Volume 6, Issue 2 (2024)                   pos 2024, 6(2): 9-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Sojudi M, Ziyari K, Yasouri M. An Overview of the Place of "Regional Planning and Development" in the Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Development Programs. pos 2024; 6 (2) :9-19
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-75273-en.html
1- Ph.D of geography and urban planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran , msejodi1@yahoo.com
2- Professor, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3- Professor of the Department of Geography and Rural Planning of Gilan University, Gilan, Iran
Abstract:   (1225 Views)
Regional planning as an interesting and very important topic in the planning system of many countries around the world, is in the middle position of the planning hierarchy; It may sometimes be placed in a wrong position, which is often created under the pressure of powerful national and local elements of the planning system. In this way, its position is sometimes declining and sometimes growing. But what has drawn attention over time is the enduring nature and existential nature of this issue, which, like many other issues require this level of intervention. Therefore, it is believed that due to the increasing problems and challenges of today's society, there is a greater need for regional planning. Based on the studies done, balanced and sustainable development has been one of the main goals of the country for a long time. So that, with fluctuations, attention has been given to the category of "regional development" in the policies and development planning before and after the Islamic revolution, and in a sense, they have been among the components that the analysis of their effects on the face of the national system is very important at the level of micro-lawyers.
The research method is descriptive-analytic, and library resources such as first-class sources, case-oriented articles and researches, and documents and documents available in the program and budget organization are used; Specifically, inferential methodology should be used to understand and explain the place of "regional planning and development" in the development programs before and after the revolution, and the possibility of comparison between them should be provided.
Research findings
What has attracted attention over time is the enduring nature and existential nature of this issue, which, like many other issues, requires this level of intervention. Therefore, it is believed that due to the increasing problems and challenges of today's society, there is a greater need for regional planning. Also, based on the field of regional perspective in development plans, it can be said that with regard to the general missions of land development and regional development in providing spatial justice in regions and creating equal and fair opportunities, access to resources, services and development achievements for all and in line with the implementation of the general policies of resistance economy and in order to creating a balance and benefiting the regions and provinces from facilities and improving their ability and flexibility against all kinds of environmental and external threats, competitive advantages must be created in the provinces and their relative advantages should be used optimally. Since, industrial investment in less developed areas should be promoted, the links between the border territories with the interior of the country should be strengthened, and in line with the national and trans-national role determined for the regions and provinces of the country, the role of medium and small cities should be strengthened, and also the metropolises should maintain their role, but decentralizing their national policy making is vital.
It can be seen that regional planning is a matter of interest and very important in the planning system of many countries around the world, since it is in the middle position in the planning hierarchy; It may sometimes be placed in a wrong position, which is often created under the pressure of powerful national and local elements of the planning system. In this way, its position is sometimes declining and sometimes growing. But what has drawn attention over time is the enduring nature and existential nature of this issue, which like many other issues require this level of intervention. Therefore, it is believed that due to the increasing problems and challenges of today's society, there is a greater need for regional planning. As can the current research findings shows, the failure of regional development planning and the division of spatial work with intensity and weaknesses in the programs before and after the revolution, causes the increase and widening of the areas of inequality between different regions. In general, fluctuations in the concept and function of regional planning in Iran is rooted in the country's structural obstacles both before and after the revolution. The ever-increasing centralization structure and the dominance of the planning procedure from top to bottom, departmental approach in planning, ambiguity in the legal status and executive guarantee of regional planning, lack of belief in planning and lack of planning culture and planability at different levels. The country's management, the lack of necessary and desirable platforms in order to attract the participation of the people and the private sector, the lack of organization in the regional Echelon, the non-compliance of plans with the existing realities, the non-compliance of upstream documents, the dominance of the abstract aspect on the plans and the like are among the main obstacles in the way of the development of regional planning in Iran
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Article Type: Descriptive & Survey | Subject: Political Spatial Planning
Received: 2023/10/26 | Revised: 2025/02/22 | Accepted: 2024/02/11 | Published: 2024/05/30

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