Volume 6, Issue 2 (2024)                   pos 2024, 6(2): 20-45 | Back to browse issues page

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Sajadian M, Firouzi M A, Pourahmad A. Scrutiny of the Possible Suitable Strategic Schemes for the Future Metaverse Cities of Iran. pos 2024; 6 (2) :20-45
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-75284-en.html
1- PhD in geography and urban planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran. , mahyarsajadian@yahoo.co
2- Professor in geography and urban planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
3- Professor in human geography, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (665 Views)
After the three eras of agriculture, industry and information, the sky of the virtual age over the heads of humans has covered the vast umbrella of human geography in every corner of the boundless earth. The fourth technological revolution is a reality that has and will affect all city and urban structures in the world. In this regard, "crypto cities" and "metaverse cities" are two technological phenomena affected by this revolution and based on technologies such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, etc., which have attracted attention in the advanced world, and even in this direction, measures have been initiated. According to the twenty-year vision of Iran's development, which aims to gain the first place in the region for the country, and in line with the country's development laws, which includes the urban economy and the development of technologies required for urban management along with the knowledge economy this axis is emphasized in Iran. Also, based on the horizon of the document of the Iranian Islamic model of progress as an upstream document, in 1450 AH, Iran should be among the five leading countries in the world in the production of thought and technology, and from a knowledge-based and self-based economy based on rationality, justice and Islamic spirituality and one of the ten largest economic powers in the world; Therefore, logically- by designing such a vision- one cannot ignore the phenomenon of the fourth technological wave and its manifestations, i.e. crypto cities and metaverse cities that are rising. But the problem of this research is that until now, due to the importance of metaverse cities in the future of the country, this phenomenon has not been addressed from different points of views. Therefore, it is clear that there is a significant gap in the research done inside the country. This research, due to the importance of the topic, aimed to answer the following questions:
 what are the consequences of moving towards the metaverse cities for Iran?
 what issues should be taken into consideration in the planning of the future metaverse cities of Iran?
 what are the causal conditions that justify the establishment of Metaverse cities in Iran?
 what strategies and solutions (measures) are necessary for the purpose of guiding and measures for the future metaverse cities of the country?
Also, the document of the Iranian Islamic model of progress is considered as an upstream document; Therefore, as a rule and logically, it has a very high influence in the future metaverse cities of the country. Therefore, other question is that:
 what points can be obtained from the document of the Iranian Islamic model of progress in relation to the measures for the proper management of the future metaverse cities of the country?
This article is fundamental. It is question-oriented and it is done in document and library method. Also, it is qualitative research, which is exploratory through the qualitative content analysis method, and it is done in the framework of the grounded theory method. The statistical sample of the research includes a range of documents and scientific studies related to the central topic of the research which used the available sampling method.
Research findings
Based on research findings, metaverse cities will have consequences for the country. In this connection, in the case of proper management and appropriate measures, this wave will have more positive consequences than negative consequences. Also, in terms of intervening conditions, culture and cultural policies, especially in the field of virtual space, the culture of Technology acceptance, the dominant philosophy of Technology policy (technorealism, neoladism, and techno-utopianism), the state of establishment of the fourth technological wave paradigm, and the state of establishment of the participation-oriented paradigm, sustainable development, knowledge-based development and strengthening the city's integrity are considered non-technical intervention conditions. In relation to technical categories, the state of information and communication Technology components including infrastructure (computers, transmission networks, internet, etc.), application software, manpower and Technology management in the framework of indicators such as processing, bandwidth, user experience, connectivity, e-commerce, programming languages, network and computer architecture and storage resources, based on research findings, as intervening conditions in the establishment of metaverse cities in Iran are discussed. Background conditions are special conditions that affect strategies and solutions. These are a combination of technical conditions, jurisprudential bases, legal bases and monetary policies. In connection with the technical conditions, we can refer to the 8 enablers of metaverse Technology including: network, edge/cloud, artificial intelligence, computer vision, blockchain, internet of things and robotics, user interaction and augmented reality and 6 pillars of the metaverse ecosystem including: avatar, content production , virtual economy, social acceptance, security and privacy, and trust and responsibility centered on the 4 basic components of blockchain metaverse cities, virtual currency, exchangeable token and social interactions (social networks). Besides these conditions, jurisprudential bases, legal bases and monetary and currency policies of the country - based on research findings - are the background conditions that should be considered in strategies and solutions. Causal conditions also specify the categories that are related to the conditions for creating the central category. Based on research findings, integration in policy making, legislation, planning, implementation and monitoring, in other words integrated management and measures are the most important causal conditions in this field. According to the contextual, intervening categories, as well as the consequences and disadvantages of metaverse cities (in case of inappropriate management and measures) were raised. Strategies and solutions in line with appropriate management and measures of metaverse cities can be divided into two categories: technical and non-technical.
Based on the results of the research, considering the conditions mentioned in the research, including integration in policy making, legislation, planning, implementation and monitoring, it is possible to achieve metaverse cities in the country with social, economic, cultural and environmental low consequences. Also, in the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress document, three paragraphs in the measures section are dedicated to virtual space; In total, the following points, based on the results of the research, were used in order to take advantage of the measures in order to achieve the worthy leadership of the country's future in addition to the above-mentioned points:
 1) accepted metaverse city; It is a healthy, useful, safe and ethical space based on Iranian Islamic values, culture and identity, and is a fair space in which justice has been observed in exploiting the virtual opportunity;
2) The future metaverse cities of the country should be in line with promoting local knowledge, developing the country, providing security and increasing the resilience of infrastructure; this matter will be done with public participation and international cooperation;
3) Metaverse city can be a platform for promoting creative and cultural industries in accordance with the national and local capabilities of Iran in which norming, promotion and expansion of Islamic culture and values ​​of Iran has been done considering the demand of the regional and global audience.
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Article Type: Descriptive & Survey | Subject: Political Spatial Planning
Received: 2023/10/27 | Accepted: 2024/03/13 | Published: 2024/05/30

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