Volume 6, Issue 2 (2024)                   pos 2024, 6(2): 46-57 | Back to browse issues page

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Zali N, Abizadeh S. An Analysis of Population Settlement Patterns with Emphasis on The Coastal Areas of Iran. pos 2024; 6 (2) :46-57
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-75285-en.html
1- Associate Professor,Department of Urban Planning, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran, Member of Amayesh Thinkers, Center for Iranian Islamic Model of Progress , n.zali54@gmail.com
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (628 Views)
Spatial distribution of settlements in the territory is one of the serious issues of spatial planning in the geographical field. The settlement patterns of the city and the village, especially in the coastal areas, is a field that this article emphasizes. In this research, it is tried to investigate how the population settles in the coastal areas. Then, a suitable model to attract the population in these areas is suggested. According to the findings of the national research document, the territorial policies related to the coasts and islands of the country can be listed as follows, which have strengthened the role of the country in the network of regional and international transit passages, as a result, leading to economic prosperity and the settlement of the population will be on the coasts and border areas of the country. Also, the importance of the role of the islands in the development and attraction of the population in the southern coast of the country is emphasized. As a result, according to the situation of population settlement in the coasts of the country, the capacities and roles of each of the settlement points have been extracted according to the land use document and the strategic document of sustainable development of the southern islands of the country. In this case, all the residential areas and islands have played a role according to the division of national work between them and contributed to the development process in the coasts in promoting political, economic, social and cultural ties and relations with the countries of the region and the world. As a result, they can help the whole country.
The settlement pattern of the population and settlements is the spatial outcome of the natural environment and the economic, socio-cultural and political conditions, and certainly with the change of these conditions over time, the settlement pattern also changes and transforms. Knowing these developments, the causes and effective factors in the occurrence and emergence of these developments, as well as the effects and consequences of these developments in different fields is a geographical subject and has a special theoretical and scientific (applied) importance. From a theoretical point of view, recognizing, analyzing and explaining the establishment pattern and its developments and investigating the contribution and role of various factors, including the natural, economic, socio-cultural and political environment in its formation and developments, and discovering the general laws governing the establishment pattern, along with understanding the works and its economic-social and spatial-physical consequences are very important and can be effective in expanding the boundaries of knowledge in the field of geography. Also, from a practical and practical point of view, since the achievement of the optimal model system of population settlement requires the knowledge of trends and trends in this field, the results of such studies can be effective in organizing coastal areas, especially the optimal distribution of population settlement. In this research, it is tried to investigate how the population settles in the coastal areas. Then, a suitable model for attracting the population in these areas is suggested. The pattern of population spatial settlement in both national and local arenas has an irregular distribution. Most of the population and cities are located in the northern and western regions of the country. In the meantime, the provinces and coastal areas in the south of the country, in addition to having a low population density, also suffer from the irregular distribution of the population in the city centers. In this paper, population settlement and spatial arrangement of cities in coastal regions, population settlement and spatial arrangement of cities in coastal provinces of the country are investigated. Unlike the previous researches, this research studies the mentioned provinces not individually, but collectively as the coastal provinces of the country in the form of a region.
The present research is a small part of the patterns of population settlement in Iran, which focuses on the coastal areas and examines it from the perspective of analysis. In other words, this research seeks to provide appropriate answers to the patterns of population settlement between the southern and northern coasts of Iran. The research method is descriptive-analytic and data gathering procedure is based on library method.
Results and discussion
After examining and comparing the parameters of relative density, coastal density and coastal grade (the ratio of coastline to area) as well as the percentage of population growth in coastal areas, important results are as follows:
1- Coastal cities being the center of the province is one of the factors that increase the population, while the amount of having a coastline has much less impact on this feature. This issue shows the concentration of facilities and development in the centers of the provinces, which requires distribution of the facilities to other areas.
2- Considering the area which is available to the coastal cities, despite the high population in some southern regions, the northern coastal cities of the country have a higher relative density and coastal density. Therefore, it can be said that the northern coastal areas of the country are more developed. Although important factors such as weather have played a role in this difference in distribution, but considering the type of beaches and access to open waters and on the other hand the wider coastline, it can be said that the development in the southern coastal areas of the country remains blocked, which requires more attention.
3- In the northern provinces, it was observed that there are areas with a limited coastline (low coastal grade), but they have a very high coastal density, but in the southern provinces of the country, although the coasts are much more scattered, the coastal density is at a lower level. And this shows the insufficient use of the potential of the beaches of these areas.
4- In the southern coastal areas, the cities with more coastlines have been associated with a greater population growth during these ten years, but the cities of Khuzestan province were exempted from this. This issue also expresses the fact that population growth and development naturally takes place in areas with more potential; But it should be noted that in comparison with high-density areas in the north, this growth should be accompanied by a higher speed.
According to the aforementioned explanations and analyzes, the relative population density according to the census of 2015 in the northern coasts of the country is relatively higher than the southern coastal cities of the country, for example, in the city of Rasht, the relative population density is more than 70 people per square kilometer, Fereydoun Kanar with more than There are 500 people per square kilometer, but in the southern coastal cities of the country, Bushehr is the only southern coastal city that has the highest density among the southern coastal cities with a population density of 200 people per square kilometer. But on the other hand, the southern cities have more coastal strip than the coastal strip in the north of the country, and this population density in the north of the country is higher than in the south of the country due to low and flat coastal areas, and these flat coastal areas attract more people to the beaches. Therefore, in the north of the country, the predominant activity of the coastal cities is agriculture, and in the southern coastal cities of the country, the predominant activity is industrial.
Coastal height and ruggedness play an important role in the exploitation of maritime potential by maritime countries. Countries that have smooth coastal areas and suitable coastal cuts, deploy human structures in coastal areas with less financial cost. On the other hand, high coastal heights and rocks lack the necessary potential to attract the population, and the establishment of marine structures, including ports, is accompanied by the problem of providing a suitable and smooth place. Coastal plains have an important effect on the establishment of human settlements, marine structures and activities, marine tourism, the concentration of financial-production resources, etc. The advantage of low and flat coastal elevations is influenced by the climate of the coastal region and the connection of coastal regions with internal communication networks.
Therefore, in order to create an economic flow in the country, it is possible to use the coastal cities in the south and north of the country. There are 23 coastal cities in the coastal strip of the southern region of the country, which are in direct contact with the land and the sea. The coastal cities of the southern provinces of the country account for about 85% of the province's population. Also, it is possible to use the advantages and favorable economic positions of the coastal cities located in the south of the country to help the economic flow in the southern provinces of the country and the settlement of the population in them. The economic prosperity and the existence of job opportunities in these beaches attract a large population from the country and even neighboring countries. In the following, the pattern of economic flow in these areas is presented.
Straits, natural passages, islands and coasts are fixed geopolitical factors that have a significant impact on the national power, foreign policy and sea and land strategies of countries. In fact, their geopolitical and geostrategic roles coincide. There is a direct relationship between the use of islands and the power of the coastal government, and the relevant government can play a more active role at the local, regional and global levels. One of the important regions with economic and security strategy in the Middle East is the Persian Gulf region. There are dozens of islands in the Persian Gulf, some of which belong to Iran and are located in the geographical boundaries of the three provinces of Hormozgan, Bushehr and Khuzestan. Some of these islands play a political, economic and military role to defend the southern coasts of Iran. Therefore, according to the pattern of the economic flow and the role of each settlement on the coasts of the country, it is possible to attract and settle the population in these areas.
The banks of Makran from Goatar, East Jask and Sirik are not only the least developed coasts of Iran, but based on development indicators, this axis is considered among the most backward areas of Iran. The Caspian coast from Astara to Kiashahr is the most densely populated coast and is close to the stage of population saturation. What is seen more than any other phenomenon in this coastal strip is the all-round confusion and disorganization in this area.
In this paper, according to the situation of the population settlement in the coasts of the country, the capacities and roles of each of the settlement points have been extracted according to the document of land preparation and the strategic document of sustainable development of the southern islands of the country. In this case, all settlements and islands play a role according to the division of national work between them and contribute to the development process in the coasts and as a result of the whole country. One of the basic emphases in the land preparation document is to use the capacities of these areas in promoting political, economic, social and cultural ties and relations with the countries of the region and the world, and in this regard, a heavy duty has been assigned to the border and coastal areas of the country.
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Article Type: Descriptive & Survey | Subject: Political Spatial Planning
Received: 2023/10/28 | Accepted: 2025/03/17 | Published: 2024/05/30

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