Volume 5, Issue 3 (2023)                   pos 2023, 5(3): 370-391 | Back to browse issues page

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Pahkideh E, Babayi Aghdam F, Heydari Chianeh R. Identifying of the Strategic Factors in the Tourism Development Policy of the Hawraman Site by Methodology of Future Research Approach and Preparing the Scenarios Portfolio. pos 2023; 5 (3) :370-391
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-64977-en.html
1- PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning, University Of Tabriz Aras International Campus, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran , f.babayi.ag@gmail.com
3- Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:   (1795 Views)
Tourism in the 21st century has become a main tool to have a high quality of life. Therefore, countries require to develop a tourism development strategy so that they can achieve its interests. In each country, the basic factors affecting the development of tourism can be divided into two parts: "contextual factors" and "tourism policy"; contextual factors are necessary condition but not sufficient. In Iran, the steps of tourism development have not been taken in the same way, which it is partly related to contextual factors and also partly related to the formulation of uniform policies and the preparation of a single version at the country level, and at the same time, there are different implementation and monitoring in the advancement of programs and policies, which has played a major role in the lack of tourism development, especially in the border regions. Hawraman's site is a clear example. This site was registered as the 26th tangible cultural heritage of Iran by UNESCO. This site has about 409 thousand hectares of field and privacy, of which 106 thousand hectares belong to the feild and 303 thousand hectares are part of the privacy, which has a population of over 400 thousand people. This site in Kurdistan province includes the cities of Sanandaj, Kamiyaran and Sarovabad and in Kermanshah province, it includes the cities of Ravansar, Paveh, Javanroud and Salas Babajani. It has a total of 10 cities and about 700 villages and subordinate places, most of which are in Kermanshah province.
This research is practical in terms of its purpose and in terms of its nature, it is also based on the method of perspective research and structural analysis. The statistical population of the research is (20 people) from people who were professionally involved in tourism activities.
Results and discussion 
The results of 36 effective and strategic indicators in the Mic Mac software show that tourism laws and regulations, macro-government policies, skilled and trained manpower, respectively, have the greatest influence and effective and also the pattern of local residents on the behavior of tourists, reducing irreversible resources, and loyalty to local customs have had the least impact on tourism development policies in Hawraman site.
Educational programs, skilled and trained manpower, awareness of the local community and tourists, cultural participation of citizens, social/psychological security, tourism events, cultural/historical works, preservation of native architecture, recreation with a tourism approach, attractiveness and desire to visit again, tourism rules and regulations, macro government policies, private sector participation and investment, tourism sector budget, de-escalation are 15 effective factors, especially within the countries of the region, on the preparations of the scenario basket and also the final factors that are effective drivers and propulsion for the tourism development policy of Hawraman site.
The unique differences and similarities in Hawraman site have caused the formation of diverse subcultures. Diversity of ethnicities, diversity in dress, accent, customs, etc., and at the same time cultural cohesion has created a special attraction for tourists. Preservation of this category of cultural values has special importance for the beneficiaries. Also, maintaining and remaining in the UNESCO list is highly dependent on the preservation of cultural/historical works and local architectural values and sensitivity in recreating these textures. Hence, policies and rules and regulations should be ruled that can protect world, national, local and local heritage such as preserving the environment, natural resources, human heritage, preserving cultural values, etc. Most of these policies and rules and regulations can be found in the history of this civilization of several thousand years.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Political Spatial Planning
Received: 2022/10/22 | Revised: 2023/12/3 | Accepted: 2023/02/21 | Published: 2023/09/1

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