Volume 5, Issue 4 (2023)                   pos 2023, 5(4): 392-410 | Back to browse issues page

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Taheri A, Ahmady poor Z, Aghgolzadeh F. Analysis of environmental dimensions of the first and second development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on constructive discourse. pos 2023; 5 (4) :392-410
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-62453-en.html
1- student , taheriahmad1390@yahoo.com
2- professor
Abstract:   (3608 Views)
Development plans define the strategy, framework and pattern of governance and political management of space, and these programs address the various dimensions and aspects of governance, one of the most important aspects of which is the environmental dimension. In this study, the environmental governance of the constructive discourse is presented with emphasis on the first and second development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran and using the thematic analysis method in the form of statements, open coding, sub-themes, main themes, organizing themes, and a visual Macro of the environmental dimensions of the constructive discourse.
The study of the environmental dimensions of the first and the second development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been done using grounded theory. Accordingly, after studying all the development plans, 112 statements have been extracted separately for each plan. In accordance with the statements extracted from the development plans, 178 basic concepts (open coding) were identified. Then, considering the content subscriptions of the open coding, 52 sub-themes and 14 main themes were generated based on theoretical foundations, ecology refer to experts and researcher diagnosis. Organizing themes include economic, social, political-administrative, diplomacy, ecological, service, legal, and cultural and security dimensions. In addition, the network of themes for the environmental dimensions of constructive discourse has been drawn according to the main themes and organizing themes separately from the development plans.
Results and discussion
By reviewing the first and second development plans, the following can be mentioned in constructive discourse:
The political-administrative dimension and themes of "good governance", "decentralization," and "spatial planning" have the highest frequency in the open coding. In relation to this theme, only 1 basic concept has been extracted. The social dimension, which is defined by the themes of "welfare and social development" and "family planning", has a high frequency. The sub-theme "support for vulnerable groups" has the most open coding. The economic dimension is very important in constructive discourse. The main theme of "green economy," with 24 frequencies, confirms this issue. The sub-theme "optimization of energy consumption" is the most frequent in the economic aspect of this discourse. For the ecological dimension with the main themes of "environmental protection and rehabilitation", ecology adaptation" and "climate change management", 24 basic concepts have been extracted, which shows the prominence and boldness of this dimension and its themes in the constructive discourse. The cultural dimension with the main theme of "consumption pattern improvement" and 17 basic concepts has a relatively high frequency. The dimension of diplomacy and the theme of "environmental diplomacy" have only 5 basic concepts, which shows this dimension has not been given much attention. The legal dimension with the theme of "environmental rights" and five basic concepts shows that constructive discourse has paid little attention to this theme. Regarding the theme of "environmental security," which is under the security dimension, 5 basic concepts have been extracted, which shows the unimportance of this theme. The service dimension and theme of "green transportation," with 3 basic concepts, have the least frequency.
In the constructive discourse, the emphasis on the social and political-administrative dimensions of environmental governance is more prominent than its other dimensions. Also, family planning policies and population growth management and control are themes and concepts that were raised only in the first and second development plans and during the constructive discourse. On the other hand, the theme of "environmental diplomacy" is very faint and is only assigned one basic concept in the first development plan; it is not mentioned in the second plan, and the diplomatic dimension of environmental governance is very weak in the constructive discourse. In addition, the themes of "spatial planning" and "climate change management" are only mentioned a little in the second development plan, and in the first development plan, these themes are not observed.
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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: political Geography
Received: 2022/06/25 | Revised: 2023/12/3 | Accepted: 2022/09/10 | Published: 2023/12/1

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