Hashemi Nakhl Ebrahimi S A, Shahbazbegian M, Feizolahi Z. System Analysis of Efficiency of the Spatial Planning Policies for Decreasing in the Minab Plain Vulnerability Versus Water Deficit. pos 2022; 4 (2) :140-158
1- Graduate Master of Geoyraphy and Spatial Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- University, Tehran, Iran. 2 Assistant Professor in Geoyraphy and Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , mr.shahbazbegian@modares.ac.ir
Abstract: (2478 Views)
The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the effectiveness of land management policies to reduce the vulnerability of Minab plain to water shortage. Based on the systematic analysis of land management policies, after analyzing the causal links related to different economic and social sectors of Minab city and water-related areas of Dasht and Minab cities, it can be said that the most effective policies to reduce vulnerability of Minab plain and rehabilitate plain related policies is the water demand management, which is related to two areas (Water demand management in Minab County and Bandar Abbas, Sirik and Jask Counties). By reducing the amount of agricultural water consumption by modifying the consumption pattern and developing commercial and aquaculture activities by 200 hectares of new lands in the region and reducing dependence on water in Minab plain and meeting the drinking water needs of Minab and villages through Esteghlal dam, the amount of water withdrawal from the plain is reduced to a minimum level. Also, by exploiting the wastewater collection and treatment plan of Minab city, about 84 million cubic meters of water can be used annually through open turf in agriculture in the region and injected into Minab plain. By supplying the required water of Bandar Abbas, villages and coastal areas of Minab, Sirik and Jask through desalination plant and modifying the pattern of water consumption in Bandar Abbas, we can reduce the dependence and transfer of water from Minab plain to zero. Decreased water abstraction from the aquifer over a period of 25 to 30 years has led to the restoration of the aquifer and the groundwater level has risen and is again resistant to possible droughts. Combining these measures with reforming the role of Minab city as the center of the region and creating a special economic or free trade zone to provide a variety of commercial and port services, health, tourism and higher education to surrounding areas and cities of the region will attract labor forces to these activities and will affect the income and employment of the region and reduces the over-reliance of the region's economy on agriculture and will reduce and adjusts the amount of agricultural water consumption.
Article Type:
Original Research |
political Geography Received: 2021/12/2 | Revised: 2024/01/2 | Accepted: 2022/03/5 | Published: 2022/03/30