Volume 5, Issue 2 (2023)                   pos 2023, 5(2): 92-115 | Back to browse issues page

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khatam S, Ahmady poor Z. Consequences of the Breakdown of Political Management of Space in Tehran Metropolis. pos 2023; 5 (2) :92-115
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-60170-en.html
1- Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Professor of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. , ahmadyz@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1867 Views)
The relationship and interaction between the power structure and the government resulting from it, as a component of social organization with the process of spatial organization of metropolises and urban complexes, especially in recent years, has become one of the central issues and questions in the theorizing and researching of the program. The planning and management of the urban complex has changed without diminishing the importance of other aspects. The connection between the spatial structure and the social structure is influenced by the social-historical periods of the societies. In centralized bureaucratic societies without civil society and the lack of formalized and obvious groups and the government's lack of need for economic groups, these powerful groups gain access to other scarce resources through influence in the government decision-making apparatus. In industrialized societies, it is these social classes that have more access to scarce resources because the government needs these classes, especially the capitalist and middle class of experts.
According to its nature, purpose and subject area, this research has a descriptive-analytical research method and the approach that governs the research space is practical. The collection of information in the theoretical part and findings has been done with reference to the library method, and for the relevant information and statistics, the information and yearbooks available in the Iranian Statistics Center have been used. This research has been carried out on the scale of Tehran metropolis because the capital of any country is usually the place where economic, political and cultural mechanisms gather and crystallize. In this research, the government's oil revenues are considered as one of the most influential factors in the accumulation of power and wealth in the metropolitan area of Tehran, and subsequently, the excessive concentration of government institutions and organizations in the metropolis of Tehran and the breakdown in the political management of space as factors. Influencers in the political management of space will be analyzed.
Result and discussion
From the point of view of the political management of the space, what is the most cause for concern and thought is the lack of integration, or in other words, the discontinuity of policy-choice and functional discontinuity. Integration in the political management of space is related to the management of interactive issues in policy-making, which is beyond the boundaries of the usual and conventional policy areas and does not conform to the responsibility of individual departments and ministries. According to Mulford and Ruger, policy coordination is defined as a process by which two or more organizations create new decision-making procedures or use existing decision-making rules to collectively deal with the task environment. O joint benefit. In general, policy integration requires greater interaction, accessibility, and adaptability, which leads to greater interdependence and requires more formal organizational arrangements, and requires the presence of more resources and delegation of authority and independence of action from the stakeholders.
In fact, it can be said that the policies of the government in the past few decades have caused a strong dependence of metropolitan management on government policies. On the one hand, this type of dependence has prevented the complete independence of the urban management complex from the government, and on the other hand, the multiplicity of government organizations, which itself is a result of the increase in government oil revenues, has led to the creation of many organizations with parallel functions in the metropolis of Tehran. The situation has finally created a political-spatial discontinuity in the metropolis of Tehran. Therefore, the formation of a centralized and simple government in the contemporary era, along with rich oil revenues, has caused the government to have all the political and administrative power and decision-making authority in all local, regional and national affairs, according to the goals and desires of the country. He can design and implement in any way he wants. So that the creation, liquidation, annexation and delegation of powers of all the units of the country's divisions are at the disposal of the central government. This case has emerged especially in the metropolitan area of Tehran, which is the place of gathering and concentration of the most important political-economic institutions of the country, and has made the political management of the space in the metropolis of Tehran face the problem of spatial-functional discontinuity. Examining the change of administrative and spatial territories of Tehran metropolis between 1966-2011 clearly shows that simultaneously with the expansion of the country's oil revenues, the number of administrative and spatial territories in Tehran metropolis has also increased and we have witnessed a very significant growth in this field.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: political Geography
Received: 2022/03/9 | Revised: 2023/12/3 | Accepted: 2022/08/27 | Published: 2023/12/31

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