Volume 3, Issue 4 (2021)                   pos 2021, 3(4): 297-313 | Back to browse issues page

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Afzali R, Zamani A, Kiani V. Equality, hegemony and political structure of space (a case study of Islamic ideological discourse). pos 2021; 3 (4) :297-313
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-57653-en.html
1- Associate Professor of Political Geography, University of Tehran.
2- PhD student at the University of Tehran
3- Assistant Professor of Political Geography, University of Birjand.
Abstract:   (2159 Views)
With the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Islamic ideological discourse as the most important element in the discursive field of the discourse of modernism was able to articulate with other sub-discourses and according to its capabilities, credibility and populism was able to bring the transcendence of their discourse to the foreground in comparison with the dominant discourse and especially in relation to rival discourses. This new discourse with the creation of a new ideal space emerged as a discourse of hegemony and created a dominant political construction in this period in the history of Iran. What further led to the hegemony of this Islamic ideological discourse over rival discourses, along with Ayatollah Khomeini's charisma, was the adoption of a strategy right under the guise of a policy of solidarity between different groups in the sense that Laclau and Mouffe envisioned. It signifies the creation of an organic alliance between groups, parties, organizations, and the masses with the aim of turning social affairs into political ones. This study deals with a fundamental approach and using an analytic-descriptive method i.e discourse analysis, investigates the dominance of Islamic ideological discourse over the political construction of space in the first decade of the revolution. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between space, power and discourse in the Foucaultian sense and its effect on the political construction of space. The central signifier of this discourse is the Islamic ideology that emerged in opposition to and in the negation of the centrality of the previous discourse, Western modernism. Also, the space-place notion in which this discourse is manifested is the Islamic nation where the element of land is eliminated and extended to the realm of the world, instead.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: political Geography
Received: 2021/09/3 | Accepted: 2021/11/20 | Published: 2021/12/1

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