Janparvar M ,, Bahrami Jaf S, Salehabadi R. Analysis and leveling of border parameters affecting the security and development of border cities. (Case study: Javanrood city). pos 2021; 3 (2) :70-80
1- Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Ferdowsi University. Mashhad
2- PhD student in Political Geography, Ferdowsi University. Mashhad , s.bahrami@mail.um.ac.ir
3- PhD in Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
Abstract: (2450 Views)
The boundaries are completely complex spatial-geographical phenomena that include several dimensions and parameters. This spatial-geographic phenomena has become the focus of governments due to their importance and position in order to establish order and security within the country and to protect national interests and different efforts are done to protect them. To achieve this, the first and basic step is to know the dimensions and parameters that form and affect the borders. This research tries to determine these dimensions and parameters and their impact on urban development of Javanrood city. Accordingly, a questionnaire consisting of parameters and components affecting the development of border areas based on nine dimensions (territorial, socio-cultural, economic, political-governance, geopolitical, defense-security, historical, legal-structural and technological) is projected. The present study is descriptive- analytic in terms of it's practical purpose and in terms of the method of data collection. Since the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of security parameters on the development of border cities, the research is a descriptive correlational study. The results showed that among the components of the territorial dimension, environmental resilience; among the components of the socio-cultural dimension, the existence or absence of social capital in the border city; among the components of the economic dimension, the dependence of border residents on economic interaction with border; among the components of political dimension, level of freedom of action of local governments on both sides of border; among geopolitical components, geoeconomic position of border; among the defense-security components, intervention of local players; among the historical components, human and physical commonality between the two sides of the border; among the components of the legal and structural dimension, the government's attitude towards the people and the border; and among the components of technology, border infrastructure and technologies are as the most important and influential factors influencing the border development of Javanrood city.
Article Type:
Original Research |
political Geography Received: 2021/03/11 | Accepted: 2021/07/2 | Published: 2021/09/12