Alamdar E, Rasti O. Analyzing the Consequences of Border Establishment and Border Policies on the Settlements of Border Region. A Case Study of Iran-Afghanistan Border Villages (Yazdan, Kaboodeh, and Nazarkhan farm). pos 2019; 1 (4) :189-200
1- Political Geography Department, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran ,
2- Geography Department, Humanities Faculty, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
Abstract: (7611 Views)
The formation of the border and the establishment of a border line between the two countries have political, economic and cultural-social consequences and impacts, especially at local and border settlements level. In this research, the consequences of the border establishment, border policies, and the plan to strengthen border guard (Forces) at several points of settlements such as Yazdan, Kaboodeh, and Nazarkhan have been discussed. This descriptive-analytical research, based on library and field pieces of information/findings seek to investigate the formation process of eastern borders within South Khorasan province and also the developments that during about six decades have taken place in these areas. The results of researchers showed that the determination and establishment of this border caused that some border villages such as Kaboodeh and Yazdan placed on this side of the border, and Nazarkhan was placed on the Afghan side. The consequences of these border policies have led to evacuation and destruction of border villages such as Kaboodeh and Yazdan, along the Nomands resettlement plan and security, and also their inhabitants were resettled in the Barenjgan city; in the other hand, Nazarkhan farm across the border has now changed into a linear village with a population of over 5 thousand people. The evacuation of these border villages along with the border privacy delimitation project, and also the forced migration of its residents to a new location has resulted in tensions between old residents and new immigrants in addition to causing discontent between borderers.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Political Spatial Planning Received: 2017/11/6 | Accepted: 2018/05/27 | Published: 2019/12/8