Social Planning Department, Social Science Faculty. ,
Abstract: (11630 Views)
Aims: Metropolises play a vital role in the continuity of human life, the future of human society, and the determination of the future direction. Finding an appropriate pattern for the development of these areas can help to develop sustainable national development and reduce instabilities. The expansion of the scope in the immediate area of the periphery to pyhsical forms, change in land use and roles are of the functions of metropolises. The metropolitan areas are formed through the expansion of the peripheral realm and the spatial-functional integration of immediate areas in the core space of metropolis. The key to organizing Tehran is on its suborb. The linkage of margine and core in metropolitan areas can form opportunities and threats for the core and its periphery. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the role of urban periphery in organizing Tehran metropolis with emphasis on new cities.
Conclusion: The methods of organizing Tehran in the spatial, functional, and identity reconstruction of Tehran, in the metropolitan area and regional planning approach, are to engage urban periphery communities in the process of incorporation and integration. An integrated approach to the metropolitan area and analysis of roles and currents within the framework of a single spatial system, the establishment of an integrated management syastem in the metropolitan area and the strengthening of spatial cells and nodes in the form of new cities are required for organizing the political, social, cultural, and economic space of Tehran. Preventing the process of marginalization of the urban periphery area, reconstruction of urban periphery areas, rehabilitation and enhancement of social life in the metropolitan area by creating hierarchies of functional-spatial, social, and economic identity in the urban periphery area, the strategy of replacing new cities and revising their experiences are the key for growth and balanced development of metropolis of Tehran as the capital on its margin.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Political Spatial Planning Received: 2017/12/26 | Accepted: 2018/02/9 | Published: 2018/11/6