Volume 1, Issue 1 (2018)                   pos 2018, 1(1): 31-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaderihajat M, Mokhtari Hashi H. Space Justice in Iran and the Political Organization of Space in Tehran. pos 2018; 1 (1) :31-38
URL: http://psp.modares.ac.ir/article-42-26903-en.html
1- Political Geography Department, Humanities Faculty , mghaderi4@gmail.com
2- Geography and Rural Planning Department, Humanities Faculty.
Abstract:   (14221 Views)
Introduction: Nowadays, Tehran is the most important challenge of political management of space in Iran due to the accumulation of problems in natural and human dimensions. The most important dimensions of this challenge are population density and the lack of coordinated management to overcome this problem and its consequences. Since one cannot consider Tehran separated from far and near hinterland, the first issue is the lack of spatial/geographical justice in these hinterlands. Tehran's problems can be analyzed in three levels: physical-residential, regional, and national. This descriptive-analytical research was carried out based on library resources with the aim of analyzing spatial justice in Iran and organizing political space in Tehran.
Conclusion: The lack of spatial planning and sustainable development approach on the national, regional, and local scale in the Iranian planning system has, above all, resulted in intense centralization, institutionalized, and has led to the formation of the center of the periphery pattern in the country. The performance of development programs, before and after the revolution, has led to the imbalance of the governing pattern of the spatial structure of the country. Also, the spatial/geographical injustice in the country and consequently in Tehran province, as well as the lack of integrated management in Tehran's urban management have caused Tehran's current problems. In order to solve the problems of Tehran and its optimal administration, it should be planned based on the available resources with the fair spatial planning approach to space and in the framework of the spatial planning strategy, using the space justice in three short, medium, and long periods, in order to provide the optimal administration of Tehran.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Political Spatial Planning
Received: 2018/11/8 | Accepted: 2018/01/30 | Published: 2018/11/6

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